Chromium on Ubuntu

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Chromium is an open source web browser. The project was founded by Google, which built Google Chrome on top of the code of Chromium. Sadly enough, only a Windows version of Google Chrome as been released.
What I learned today is pretty awesome.
While I knew that Linux and Mac versions were in the works, I found out that a PPA repository for daily builds of Linux’s Chromium does exist ! (we’re talking about a native non-using Wine version)
Before explaing how to install it, let me just specify we’re talking about alpha builds, and pretty incomplete ones. Just basic web surfing works.:  Chromium may don’t work, make your loose data or make your loose your cat. Remember if that anything breaks, you’re on your own – install it only if you’re confortable with restoring your system/data. Also keep in mind this disclaimer on the PPA’s launchpad page:
Ubuntu daily builds of the Chromium browser.
The PPA is maintained by a bot, so it contains completely untested builds, mostly useful to track regressions or if you are curious, or just brave.
The package is still a work-in-progress, so is Chromium, please be patient.
FAQ: no native 64bit debs planed for now. The amd64 package is using ia32-libs.
Project page for Chromium in Ubuntu:
How to install Chromium on Ubuntu

Open your /etc/apt/sources.list file !
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add these lines at the very bottom of it:
deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main
then upload and install:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
Update: due to some bug Chromium requires the msttcorefonts package to actually show content (otherwise it will just show a blank content area). So, make sure to have multiverse repositories enabled and also type:
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
READMORE - Chromium on Ubuntu

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